Follows Ako, a 16 year old Japanese girl, as she spends time working in a bakery and going out wit...
Follows Ako, a 16 year old Japanese girl, as she spends time working in a bakery and going out with her friends.
Elsa Lekakou,Konstantinos Georgopoulos,Simeon Tsakiris,埃莉娜·托帕丽朵,Stathis Apostolou
劳拉·瓦西里,博格丹·杜米特拉克,Ciprian Chiujdea
Alexander Diego,Edith Ybarra Clara,Frank Ernesto Lam,Alain Alain Alfonso González,Milagros Llanes Martínez,Lola Amores,Jhon Steven Baldriche,Joel Casanova