Comedy series about the lives and loves of a group of quirky 16-year-old girls. After hearing upse...
Comedy series about the lives and loves of a group of quirky 16-year-old girls. After hearing upsetting news from her dad, Viva decides to leave home and live with her friends.
Some Girls is about the lives and loves of a group of quirky 16-year-old girls who play on the same school football team and live on the same inner city estate. We join them on their bumpy journey through adolescence, taking in boys, sex, cliques, teachers, heartbreak, fun and even some football along the way.
At the heart of the comedy is Viva (Adelayo Adedayo), whose ambition is to stay motivated and go to college. She lives with her dad Rob (Colin Salmon) and her stepmother Anna (Dolly Wells), a New Zealander who also happens to be Viva's sadistic PE teacher.
Viva is great friends with Holli (Natasha Jonas) whose entertaining, violent outbursts are legendary. Saz (Mandeep Dhillon) and Amber (Alice Felgate) complete the gang. They talk about everything from history homework to their ambitions in life. They share everything: their clothes, their moods, their secrets and - occasionally - their mothers' tranquillisers.
丹尼尔·昆西·安诺,德维卡·贝斯,克里斯蒂安·布鲁恩,诺亚·琴蒂内奥,Jesse Collin,沃迪·科蒂斯·霍尔,申度贤,科尔顿·邓恩,内森·菲利安,麦蒂·哈森,阿拉娜 豪丽 普韦思,阿尔蒂·曼,奥马尔·马卡迪,安吉尔·帕克,詹姆斯·鲍弗,李相喜,布鲁克·史密斯,菲利斯·索利斯,菲韦尔·斯图尔特,Andrew Woo
Michal Filipiak,Mila Jankowska,Fabian Kociecki,Jakub Nosiadek,卡米勒·诺辛斯基,Grzegorz Palkowski,Krystian Pesta,Karol Pochec,玛塔·祖达,沃伊切赫·杰林斯基
帕特里克·吉布森,克里斯蒂安·史莱特,迈克尔·C·豪尔,莎拉·米歇尔·盖拉,帕特里克·德姆西,茉莉·布朗,詹姆斯·马丁内斯,克里斯蒂娜·米利安,亚历克斯·清水,雷诺·维尔森,维多利亚·马兹洛夫,Eli Sherman,London Thatcher,钱德勒·洛韦勒,兰迪·冈萨雷斯,Lauren Neal,Jasper Lewis,泰勒·洛夫顿,劳拉·奥尔特,Bryson Powers