CREEPSHOW, the new anthology series based on the 1982 horror comedy classic, is still the most fun...
CREEPSHOW, the new anthology series based on the 1982 horror comedy classic, is still the most fun you’ll ever have being scared! A comic book comes to life in a series of vignettes, exploring terrors ranging from murder, creatures, monsters, and delusions to the supernatural and unexplainable. You never know what will be on the next page...
Season 2 premieres April 1 on Shudder.
凯特·布兰切特,凯文·克莱恩,萨莎·拜伦·科恩,莱丝利·曼维尔,路易斯·帕特里奇,莱拉·乔治,郑浩妍,柯蒂·斯密特-麦菲,因迪拉·瓦玛,Whitney Kehinde,优素福·凯尔科尔,Adam El Hagar,罗茜·希拉尔,多萝西娅·墨寇莉,Oliver Shaw,安雅·马可·哈里斯,Smilla,Clarisse Encontre,Tiolina Puteh,凯恩·艾登
朗贝尔·维尔森,阿蜜拉·卡萨,卡洛尔·布盖,琪塔·昂罗,皮埃尔·德隆尚,安托万·赖纳茨,安妮·康斯金尼,弗洛伦斯·卢瓦雷·卡耶,朴智敏,柯朗坦·菲拉,文森特·科隆布,马尔万·廷胡加,塞缪尔·博拉夫曼-芒蒂尔,Sébastien Corona,Sophie Froissard,Romain Barreau,Julian Belle