In this Western starring Tom Berenger and Trace Adkins, the action begins as Kansas Red (Drew Wate...
In this Western starring Tom Berenger and Trace Adkins, the action begins as Kansas Red (Drew Waters, "True Detective") rescues young Billy from a card-game shootout. The boy asks Red for help protecting his family from outlaw Thorn (Adkins), who's just kidnapped Billy's mother, Carol. As Red and Billy ride off to rescue Carol, they run into beautiful, tough-as-nails Leslie, who's managed to escape Thorn's men. The three race to stop Thorn's wedding to Carol with guns a-blazing -- but does she want to be rescued?
范清谐,陶维袍丁,Thi Nga Nguyen,Viet Tung Le
尤安娜·库里克,马太乌兹·维克拉韦克,姆古尔扎塔·哈杰斯卡,Bogumila Bajor
詹妮弗·洛佩兹,鲍比·坎纳瓦尔,肖恩·海托西,迈克尔·佩纳,唐·钱德尔,麦凯尔泰·威廉逊,贾雷尔·杰罗姆,朱莉安娜·甘米兹,梅丽莎·迪亚兹,Alex Barone,Tiffany Cornwell,卡洛斯·索洛萨诺,Chrissy Bergeron,Mateo Ray Garcia,帕克·萨克,Noen Perez,奇梅奇·奥帕拉诺齐,Timothy Hornor,Levee Duplay,本杰明·贝奈特