When her seven-year-old son dies in a tragic road accident, a grieving mother (Jesseca Liu), with...
When her seven-year-old son dies in a tragic road accident, a grieving mother (Jesseca Liu), with the help of her former caregiver Mdm Seetoh (Liu Ling Ling), resorts to supernatural forces to bring back his soul so he can be 'by her side' at home. However, after several strange and even deadly occurences in the house, she begins to suspect that there is something amiss with the soul she has brought back. In discovering what has really happened, she unravels the horrific truth - a truth which may cost her her life and the lives of those around her.
佐藤胜利,片山友希,板仓武志,尾上松也,津田宽治,Fenix D'Joan,田中卓志,池津祥子,藤本洸大,林芽亚里,堀井新太,森冈丰,新井真悟,西畑澪花,清野菜名,细田善彦,福津健创
阿南达·爱华灵咸,博朗·帕拉雷,詹尼斯·奥普拉斯特,Seeda Puapimo
Indah Permatasari,德拉·达蒂安,Claresta Taufan Kusumarina