Graduate student Alice Gilman is running from an abusive past. She seeks refuge in the infamous Ha...
Graduate student Alice Gilman is running from an abusive past. She seeks refuge in the infamous Hannah house; a historic home with an ominous past. Determined to prove the possibility of alternate dimensions, she unknowingly unlocks a gateway to unimaginable horror. Facing a series of bizarre and violent events, Alice is plagued by nightmarish dreams of these evil entities. Trapped between the 4th dimension and reality, the diabolical truth is revealed as Alice fights for her sanity and her very soul. Based on the H.P. Lovecraft's short story The Dreams in the Witch House, WITCH HOUSE blurs the boundaries between reality,dreams...and the beyond.
杰登·马泰尔,瑞秋·齐格勒,朱利安·迪尼森,艾丽西亚·希尔维斯通,凯尔·穆尼,丹尼尔·祖尔格哈德利,拉克兰·沃森,弗里德·德斯特,爱德华多·弗兰科,梅森·古丁,乐洛伊小子,Lauren Balone,蒂姆·海德克,莫伦·塞巴斯蒂安,迈尔斯·罗宾斯,伊莎贝拉·里克,Jacob Moskovitz,Daniel Dale,Luca R Stagnitta,Anzi DeBenedetto
佐藤胜利,片山友希,板仓武志,尾上松也,津田宽治,Fenix D'Joan,田中卓志,池津祥子,藤本洸大,林芽亚里,堀井新太,森冈丰,新井真悟,西畑澪花,清野菜名,细田善彦,福津健创
阿南达·爱华灵咸,博朗·帕拉雷,詹尼斯·奥普拉斯特,Seeda Puapimo